'Nuther one

jdow jdow at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 29 07:30:02 UTC 2005

From: "John Summerfied" <debian at herakles.homelinux.org>

> jdow wrote:
> >>
> >>cat "*.src.rpm" | rpm2cpio | pax -r
> > 
> > 
> > Sheesh, Ted, you could have warned me to "cd temp" first.
> > Now to clean up the mess. Oy!
> > 
> > {O.O}
> oi, Dopey Old Woman!

It was an easy enough cleanup. However, the perpetrator of that
atrocity needed a modest swat across the tusch with a trio of
braided wet noodles. So I delivered it. And then Alex issued a
repeat stroke.

        That still leaves the issue of forcing the system to work
        the way God intended (and every non-'IX and most 'IX
        systems I have works.) I do a lot of work in console mode.
        And I login from many systems often via roundabout paths.
        So having them all agree with regards to the meaning of
        0x08 and 0x7f characters is rather important. The answer
        provided appears to be utterly useless. There are two maybe
        salient bugzilla issues I can track down. But they do not
        respond to the basic issue. Fedora Core 4 thinks these two
        character codes do the wrong thing - EVERYWHERE in the system.
        It makes working "my way" awfully difficult. And I am a person.
        Therefore computers should adapt to me rather than the other
        way around.

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