grub question ...

Jonathan Berry berryja at
Tue Mar 1 04:07:04 UTC 2005

On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 12:22:39 -0700, Max L. Eidswick <max at> wrote:
> Hi, Billy -- the grub.conf is on the 2nd drive in the grub area.  I also
> tried putting a copy of it on the 1st drive in the root, but no luck.  I
> responded to another message with the contents of the grub.conf.
> TIA for helping!
> Max

This is probably going to be a problem as GRUB (stage2) is most likely
in the same place as the config file.  There are multiple parts to
GRUB: stage1 goes in the MBR or in the boot sector of a partition;
stage1.5 is an optional part to load stage2 from a filesystem; stage2
gets loaded from 1.5 or directly from 1, it is stage2 that does the
majority of the work.  If stage2 is on your second drive, and that
drive is missing, then you won't be able to boot with GRUB.  If you
have a linux partition on the first harddisk, you should make it a
boot partition and put GRUB there.  This GRUB can then either direct
everything, or chainload as necessary.  You haven't made clear what
your harddisk layout is, so if you could do that, it would help, ie
what is the output of "fdisk -l" in Linux as root and what is the role
of each partition?


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