Fedora Core Support List Unofficial User's Guide (draft 2 - Duncan Lithgow))

Jonathan Berry berryja at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 18:15:00 UTC 2005

On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 10:51:11 -0600, Gustavo Seabra
<gustavo.seabra at gmail.com> wrote:
> *However*, I have to admit. I recently moved to GMail, and noticed
> that GMail doesn't seem to be intelligent enough in this case: If you
> change the subject line, it creates a new "conversation". Anyways,
> this is a GMail *bug*, not a feature. I still like to see the [SOLVED]
> note inthe subject. If GMail creates another conversation from it,
> this is something to take to GMail developers, because it's plain
> *wrong*.
> BTW, is there a "bugzilla" for GMail?

Sort of:

I'm not sure this would be considered a bug.  Gmail calls this a
"conversation" view as you said, not a threaded view.  If you define a
conversation as a group of messages with the same subject, then this
is the right behavior.  That said, I do find this annoying.  Maybe we
could lobby for a "strict threading" option that does use the
reference headers instead of just the subject.  If enough people
suggest it, maybe it will get done.  Other than this annoyance, I find
Gmail's interface to be well suited to mailing lists.


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