Linux is so cool!

Robin Laing Robin.Laing at
Tue Mar 8 16:41:12 UTC 2005

Stephen Costigan wrote:
> Linux is so AWESOME man! The only thing that bugs me is there's no
> shutdown button. How can I reboot or turn off computer? Everytime I
> install software, it never asks me to reboot. I'm an expert Windows
> user and I was working as an IT Manager until recently, so I know alot
> about computers. I just need to know how to turn this thing off!
> Stephen Costigan

It shows that you are an "expert" Windows users in expecting that 
there is a need to shutdown Linux.  Windows needs constant reboots 
just to keep running from my experience with hearing people that use 
Windows around work.

Why would you want to shut down a Linux computer?  It is designed to 
run and run and run.  As you have pointed out, unlike the Windows 
computers that require constant reboots with updates and software 
installations, this isn't required with Linux.

I only do a reboot on my computers when I replace hardware or update 
the kernel.

Robin Laing

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