System-config-packages: (Was Re: Looking for two files)

David Curry dsccable at
Wed Mar 9 00:12:12 UTC 2005

Rahul Sundaram wrote:

>On Tue, 08 Mar 2005 17:36:20 -0500, David Curry <dsccable at> wrote:
>>William Hooper wrote:
>>>System-config-packages doesn't work reliably after you have install any
>>>updates.  Use your favorite depsolver (apt, yum up2date) instead.
>>The fact that William stated above has been noted several times on the list.
>>Question:  Why has it remained true?   Is an update to correct the
>>problem underway?
>fc4 will replace this with a new utility called pup which was also act
>as a frontend to yum. read fedora-config-list archives for details
Thanks for this response, Rahul.  I am responding to the information 
after visiting fedora-config-list archives and conducting quite a few 
searches for messages dealing with pup.  I asked for searches on all 
sections, on keywords, on title, and on body.  I asked for searches of 
the entire archive and for searches on a couple of individual months.  
In every case the result was the same - 0 hits.  I searched on pup + yum 
and again 0 hits on pup with a few hits on yum.

I googled "pup front-end for yum" and got lots of hits, including some 
news reader services like gmane (I did not look on gmane itself) where I 
was able to retrieve and read some fedora-config-list messages posted in 
January 2005.  Then I returned to redhat fedora-config-list archive 
page, selected January 2005 display by thread and searched for the 
specific subject thread I had just read.  You guessed it!! Zero hits 
even though it was the seventh message presented as I scrolled down the 

I will repeat this information under a new thread in an attempt to save 
a lot of people from frustration and wasting time.  The Red Hat archive 
search engine is broken, broken, broken.

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