New Nvidia 1.0-7167 driver for Linux x86 released

Roger Skildum cowchaser at
Sun Mar 13 00:02:37 UTC 2005

*I haven't seen it mentioned here yet. Nvidia released the new 7167 
driver yesterday.  I have a old TNT2 video card that did not work with 
there previous drivers and FC3.  Had to go back to the 6111 driver.  I 
installed the 7167 driver today, compiled and ran without error.  Did 
not have to do anything special.  Has a much better frame rate than I 
had with the 6111 driver.  So far very stable.  some of the improvements 
that seem important are:* Improved compatibility with Linux 2.6 
kernels,  Fixed NvAGP incompatibility with recent Linux 2.6 kernels,  
Improved interaction with the udev filesystem.


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