Editing 'aspell"

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at ttlc.net
Thu Mar 17 13:02:46 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

It would appear that on Mar 3, Lloyd Hayes did say:

> I recently accidentally saved some words using Evolution which should not have
> been saved. I asked on this list and the Evolution list which file needed to
> be edited. I got the reply to look for this file: "~/.aspell.en.pws"
> Doing a search of FC3 on my computer, there is no "aspell.en.pws" on my
> computer.

I notice you say you searched for "aspell.en.pws" not "~/.aspell.en.pws"...

This could be the problem. The "~/." part tells you 2 important things
about the pathname of the file your looking for.

	1) "~/" tells you exactly where the file ".aspell.en.pws"
	   is, You don't need to search the whole computer. The
	   file either _is_, or _is_not_ in your home directory.
	   There isn't any other place to look.

	2) "." The first character of the filename ".aspell.en.pws" 
	   tells you that it is a "hidden" file that is excluded from
	   traditional file listings such as ls unless explicitly

Suggestion: Open a terminal window such as konsole or xterm. And in that,
            type "ls ~" (without the quotes) and hit enter. You should
	    get a list of files in your home directory.
	    THEN try "ls -a ~" You should get a longer list of files that
	    include most of your user configuration files...

I don't use gedit (don't think it's even installed on my pc) so I'm not
sure it accepts command line arguments on what file to edit. But if it
does then most likely the command "gedit ~/.aspell.en.pws" will open the
file your looking for. 

I know that on my fedora box, "vim ~/.aspell.en.pws" or 
"pico ~/.aspell.en.pws" will, when entered in an actual terminal window,
open mine. These commands won't work from the "run command" popup however
because these editors don't open their own windows to work in. 

However you open it, you should get a list of words that you "added" to
aspell. (one per line) just delete any that are not desirable. Except
do not touch the 1st line which will look something like
personal_ws-1.1 en 1
Or aspell will stop working. 

Hope this helps.

   # gpg sig for: Joe (theWordy) Philbrook DSA key ID 6C2163DE #
   # You can find my public gpg key at http://pgpkeys.mit.edu/ #
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|   ---   ___
|   <0>   <->	   Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|	^		J(tWdy)P
|    ~\___/~	     <<jtwdyp at ttlc.net>>

But if I actually knew everything, then I'd know I was an idiot...

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