installing/using bittorrent client

Don Russell fedora at
Fri Mar 18 01:56:25 UTC 2005

I installed BitTorrent-4.0.0-1 from

But when I click on a torrent file, rather than starting a file 
transfer, it just downloads the little file (I guess that's the thing 
that describes the actual thing to download)

The bittorrent faq says the mime type should be associated with torrent 
files.... I restarted firefox browser etc.

Where are the mime types defined? And where does the bittorrent client 
program get put? I installed the rpm, but whereis doesn't find it... 
mind you I'm not even 100% what the actual program name is... hmmm, is 
there a command to see what's in the rpm file> (I'll go read about that)

I guess I'll have to define the mime type manually, that's OK, if I just 
knew where to do that.


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