swap partition missing?

Hongwei Li hongwei at wustl.edu
Tue Mar 22 16:10:20 UTC 2005

> Hongwei Li wrote:
>>>Hongwei Li wrote:
>>>>Yes, it works.  Thank you very much!  Now, I have questions:
>>>>1. What's the use of mkswap -L SWAP-hda7 /dev/hda7? I don't see any
>>>It *should* be setting the "filesystem label" of the partition to
>>>"SWAP-hda7" so that mkswap can find it by name rather than being needed
>>>to be told where exactly the swap partition is.
>>>>2. When I put the original entry back to /etc/fstab as:
>>>>LABEL=SWAP-hda7         swap     swap    defaults 0 0
>>>>it does not work again.  I have to put /dev/hda7 in it.  How to let the
>>>>original entry work -- the above mkswap ... does not have effect?
>>>Was your system swapping to that partition at the time you did the
>>> mkswap?
>>> > Why do we need those LABEL=... in fstab?
>>>The idea is that labels should be less of a moving target than device
>>>names. For example, lots of people found that their SATA drives moved
>>>from being /dev/hdX to /dev/sdX fairly recently. Labelling filesystems
>>>means that the OS can find them no matter what the device name is. This
>>>isn't without its problems (e.g. when moving disks between machines,
>>>resulting in multiple partitions with the same labels), but that's why
>>>they're there.
>>>Labels for swap partitions are discussed at:
>> Here is what I did in the order:
>> # swapoff -a
>> # mkswap -L SWAP-hda7 /dev/hda7
>> Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 2097410 kB
>> # vi /etc/fstab
>> (set:
>> LABEL=SWAP-hda7         swap     swap    defaults        0 0
>> )
>> # swapon -a
>> swapon: cannot find the device for LABEL=SWAP-hda7
> I just tried this on my own FC3 box and it worked. Is this the only swap
> partition in use on your machine?
> Paul.
> --

Yes, it is.


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