starting X with different resolution(s)

Bryan Dina bdina at
Mon Mar 28 17:04:55 UTC 2005

My system (which is starting to age IMHO) starts up into run level 3.  I
have X set up so that I can run a dual headed display, however when I
need my quake-fix, I want to run X in a single-headed configuration.
This part is not so difficult, and I have working by:

startx -- -layout singlehead

after configuring X to run single-headed.  when I run:


it starts multi-headed... which is what I want.

I have set up (for optimal performance) a .xinitrc file that will start
q3a w/o a window manager... which also works, I run with:

startx -x xinitrc-q3 -- -layout singlehead

now, I am almost all happy.  The problem is here, I run X on the desktop
at 1024x768, and I run q3a at 640x480... when I run as above, q3a is in
a small square at the bottom left-hand corner of my screen.  How can I
make X start for q3a in single-head, w/o a window manager, and at
640x480 while also being able to start X in dual-headed mode, with
gnome, and at 1024x768???


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