FC3 on Dell PowerEdge 2800 and embedded SCSI and

McGuffey, David DAVID.C.MCGUFFEY at saic.com
Wed Mar 30 21:19:53 UTC 2005

>>An observation:  posting multiple questions in a single message tends to
>>turn folks like me off.  I've found that I am more likely to answer a
>>question...  So if you have three issues you are dealing with, I suggest
>>posting three messages.
>>I could be wrong tho...
> So you are seriously suggesting that David post separate messages for
> the following questions?
>I think
> >>>"A couple of weeks back I posted a message about openwall, 
>rsecurity, >>>PAX, LIDS, and Bastille for FC3 but didn't get much 
>Is what Thomas was talking about multiple posts for.

Ok, I got my requisite newbie public flogging. Forget the security stuff,
forget the cost stuff, I'll ask one question: Anyone have any trouble
installing FC3 on this box?

Dave McGuffey
Principal Information Assurance Engineer

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