Trouble Configurating LC_ALL

rvila at rvila at
Thu Mar 31 12:30:27 UTC 2005

i have one page info.php and your code is :


echo getenv("LANG")."<br>";

echo $info."<br>";

setlocale (LC_ALL,'es_PE');
echo $info2."<br>";
echo getenv("LANG")."<br>";

well when I execute this in my browser, the page show me information about php,
but in the headers enviroment exist a variable called LANG and this have a
value C.
Also in tHe page, $info is printed how ANSI_X3.4-1968 and $info2 how
because i use the function setlocale() and   getenv("LANG") is printed how C.
Please help me I don't want use the funtion setlocale(); i want know how
configure the varible lang in php or known what make setlocale internaly.

Other thing more is that if i open the console and execute el command php -i
the result is different a my page info.php. In console(terminal) the variable
lang is how iso-8859-1 but when execute info.php the variable lang is C

I think that the problem is with entorno X, but i don't secure.

I hope you understand me, but my english is very bad
Thank a lot for all the help that you can give me
Ricardo vila

P.D. i use gnu/linux fedora core 3 

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