Can I do this with YUM?

Paul Howarth paul at
Mon May 16 17:12:04 UTC 2005

Reg Clemens wrote:
> With apt-get I could put 3lines in the /etc/apt/preferences file,
> and keep a given package (or group of packages) from being updated.
> I dont see that capability with YUM.
> Is it there and Im just missing it???
> [ The problem is with an update of qt that is causing problems, I need
>   to revert to a previous version till the current one (or the program
>   using it) is fixed ]

Use: exclude=qt*

Put it in /etc/yum.conf to affect all repos, or in the section/file for 
a paricular repo if you just want to inhibit updates from that repo. The 
"exclude" option is documented in "man yum.conf".

P.S. It's "yum", not "YUM".


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