Upgrade process from FC3 to FC4?

Roberto Ammendola roberto.ammendola at roma2.infn.it
Wed May 18 18:14:48 UTC 2005

Jared Buck wrote:

>Any other questions you have, don't hesitate to ask 'em - we have a very 
>nice community here and you can get great support from users here on the 
>list or on FedoraForum.org.

Is there a way to just "yum update" from a FC4 repository and so 
magically move from FC3 to FC4? This could save me a lot of time...



     Roberto Ammendola    INFN - Roma II - APE group
tel: +39-0672594504  email: roberto.ammendola at roma2.infn.it   // \
     Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1 - 00133 Roma             \\_/ //
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