Script error

jim lawrence fedorajim at
Thu May 19 02:10:49 UTC 2005

I'm trying to get this script to function correctly it uses imagemagick in it. 
here is the script it will do what i want it to but it wont change to
the folder specified
# Convert jpeg images to jpeg but smaller 

# Varibles #

# Functions #

# Now ask the user where images are
function LOCATION
# get the location
 read -p "Enter the location of the images [$images]: "
# How can I store what is read in into a varible?
if [ -z "$images" ]; then
 $images = "$images"
#change to the location of the images
cd $images   <--- I think it isn't changing to the correct directory
# lets create some thumbnails <--- this section by its self in  a
folder with images will work.
for img in `ls *.jpg` 
  convert -sample 25%x25% $img thumb-$img 
# wish i could put something out saying " Were Done" 

# a little interface #
until [ "$selection" = "0" ]; do
    echo ""
    echo "Options..."
    echo " 1 - Seek n Convert"
    echo " 2 - Not used Yet"
    echo " 3 - Location"
    echo " 0 - Close"
    echo ""
    echo -n "Enter a Number: "
    read selection

# Cases selection #
    case $selection in
        1 ) $(LOCATION) ;;
        2 ) $(Not Used yet) ;;
        3 ) pwd ;;
        0 ) exit ;;
        * ) echo "Please enter 1, 2, 3 or 0"

Any help would be great.  
Thanks jim


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