Scripting question, [small programming question

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Wed May 25 14:12:33 UTC 2005

On Wed, May 25, 2005 at 10:02:43AM -0400, Claude Jones wrote:
> As to your comments above, Les, I have been doing some research and reading, 
> and had decided to work on Bash and Python. I'm currently reading a book on 
> Bash, and I bought one yesterday to introduce myself to Python. I had started 
> to work on Perl a few years ago, but never could get the steam up to really 
> get a grip on it. Lately, I've come up with comment after comment in my 
> research/readings on this subject, many by Perl programmers who've been doing 
> it for years, about the virtues of Python. 
> What do you guys think? 

Honestly, I think Python's main drawback is the vitriol many Python
advocates show for Perl. They're both great languages for what they're good

Matthew Miller           mattdm at        <>
Boston University Linux      ------>                <>
Current office temperature: 73 degrees Fahrenheit.

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