WEB Cam Server

john bray jmblin at comcast.net
Sat May 28 04:41:01 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-05-27 at 16:36 +0300, Amichai Rotman wrote:
> Hi All,
>  I would like to setup a WebCam server for a relative of mine who
> started a kindergarden.
> He wants to be able to see who is comming / passing outside for
> security and ID purposes.
> I thought I could install some WebCam server distro on an old PIII
> machine, connect a couple of USB WebCams to it, hook it to a broadband
> internet connection and - presto !
> I thought it would be cool to offer the parents to take a peek at
> their kids while theyŕe napping...
> Any suggestions? 
> * Hardware Configuration (WebCams, PC)
> * Distro, Software...
> * Tips / Tricks / Pitfalls

sounds what you really want is motion.  it does pretty much all that.
AND, makes movies of movement, so you have records of what's going on.
runs multiple cams, or one.  

see:  http://www.lavrsen.dk/twiki/bin/view/Motion/WebHome

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