How do I set my email to filter any email with non-Roman characters

A. Rick Anderson a_rick at
Sun May 29 02:31:07 UTC 2005

Alexander Dalloz wrote:
> Am So, den 29.05.2005 schrieb A. Rick Anderson um 1:58:
>>How do I set my email to filter any email with non-Roman characters. 
>>That would eliminate about 30% of my spam.  I am running with the 
>>Mozilla client (it gets yum'ed ever night).
> You may add a filter rule for checking the "Content-Type" mail header
> for any of "ks_c_5601-1987 | iso-2022-kr | euc-kr | GB2312" (asian
> charsets) and move those mails to a spam folder.

It is a good idea.  However, when I view the mail source, all the 
content types from both Asian and Russian sources are set to:

Content-Type: text/html;

Therefore, these will still get past any Mozilla filters.

A. Rick Anderson

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