MS FrontPage FC3 Apache2 suexec

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Sun May 29 15:11:39 UTC 2005

On Sun, May 29, 2005 at 10:57:06AM -0400, David Cary Hart wrote:
> > > I may misunderstand the fundamentals but I'm not even entirely sure if
> > > suexec really provides any significant benefit since things like
> > > awstat can be password protected.
> > suexec means that scripts belonging to one user run *as that user account*
> > and therefore can't mess with *other* users' stuff. 
> Yes. My point is that this can be accomplished with password protection
> which is simpler, easier and less likely to create unexpected results.

And also, which won't work. :)

You're talking about password-protecting the web-based front end, right? But
if the actual scripts are all running as the same user, there's nothing that
prevents one user's scripts from accessing another's data.

Matthew Miller           mattdm at        <>
Boston University Linux      ------>                <>
Current office temperature: 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

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