Yum and EXTRAS

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Tue May 31 07:55:30 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

Paul Howarth wrote:

|>probably a reasonable situation.  However AIUI Extras will not cooperate
|>with the Dag/RPMforge repos for example, which do offer mplayer, about

| Packages in Fedora Extras are built with the knowledge that third
| parties will be wanting to provide things like MP3 support (and indeed
| that users demand it), so it's likely that livna (which has historically
| been compatible with fedora.us/Extras) will fill that gap nicely.

Seems strange that it was not possible to cooperate with Dag, which has
provided many fine and high quality packages to me in the past, but it
is possible to find harmony with Livna.  The effect is that Livna is
anointed by Redhat one-step-removed as the slightly Official vendor of
Forbidden Fruit when they provide Extras .repo enabled by default... and
that Dag is frozen out from Redhat's "warm" embrace.

Redhat can do what they like since it's their show, I just feel a bit
sad for Dag.

- -Andy
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