auto umount usb devices?

Han-Wen Nienhuys hanwen at
Thu Nov 3 13:49:38 UTC 2005

Michael H. Warfield wrote:
>>>You want the OS to flush its buffers to the disk after the disk is
>>>unplugged?  Uhh, how? 
>>Never used it, but are we talking about the "sync" or "dirsync" mount
>>option here?
> 	Don't go there...  Don't even think it.
> 	The sync option was in there for a while and it caused nothing but
> headaches on FAT/VFAT USB drives.  As it stands, the sync option causes
> the system to viciously beat up on the FAT tables anytime you are

Hmmm... but how about having some sort of update daemon that flushes 
buffers every 3 seconds or so? Then unplugging would be safe if the user 
just waits 3 seconds after the last operation finishes.

  Han-Wen Nienhuys - hanwen at -

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