Yum disaster! DELETED mysql!

Nat Gross nat101l at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 18:29:20 UTC 2005

> I know I'm a little late to the party here, but the same thing happened to me
> with a customer machine.  The sequence of events went something like this:
> 1.  Install FC3.
> 2.  Install MySQL 4.1.11 RPMs from mysql.com
> 3.  Run 'yum -yd 2 update'
> 4.  Observe that the MySQL 4.1.11 pieces are gone, some of which have been
>     replaced by the FC3 3.23.x versions.
So its NOT Amarok! (telling yum to pull in mysql 3x.)

> The root problem is that a non-distro RPM (I don't like this thread's
> calling them "non-standard" RPMs, as this RPM comes from MySQL
> directly) was in the system, and Yum didn't know what to do.
Listen. I write software too. If my software would do something CLOSE
to this I'd be shot. (ok, ok. I did do a del *.* on a customer cpm
imho, Yum should KNOW which rpm is standard and if not, either leave
it alone or at least double check even with the -y option. Also Yum
(well the rpm system) should understand the differences of distros. eg
glibc 2.3.5 of FC *4* is greater than 2.3.6 from FC*3*.
> Personally I don't think it did the right thing, but I accepted that
> the responsibility is mine for running yum.

> We don't run yum at all on this box anymore; and since the box is in
> a protected network, we don't see a need to seek out an alternative
> update mechanism.
Can't really blame you, but yum has worked wonders for me,
automatically updating tons of pkgs.


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