HAL documentation

tfreeman at intel.digichem.net tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Thu Nov 17 14:26:23 UTC 2005

I've poked around a little bit on the web and fedora sites without finding 
documentation on configuring HAL at a fairly explicit level. I'm beginning 
to suspect that such doesn't exist yet, but hopefully I'm wrong.

The most complete material I've found so far is the stuff in 
/usr/share/doc/hal-*, which looks to have most of the clues in programmer 
accessable form, but I'm not a programmer and it has me stumped.

What I'm looking for is "Here is how to mount a 'nth' ide disk's 
partitions, with meanings and reasons attached to each entry" along with a 
bit of discussion on the syntax involved.

I'd like to get my head around this soon so I can make things work _my_ 
way in the near future without breaking or fighting with Fedora's updates.

Thanks in advance

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