add another hard disk on Fedora Linux

Paul Howarth paul at
Mon Nov 21 13:33:39 UTC 2005

Tim wrote:
> Tim:
>>>Thanks, most informative...  I keep meaning to look into some of these
>>>things, but don't seem to get around to it.  For instance, the output of
>>>some commands isn't described.  It's obvious what some of the columns
>>>refer to in the output from ls (file names, permissions, etc.), but
>>>there's a few things in there I hadn't figured out.
> James Wilkinson:
>>info ls
> I keep forgetting about "info" files for some things that already have a
> "man" file (they're not always the same document in a different format).
> Though it still doesn't let me know if I can do one thing that I'd like
> to be able to do:  Format the output of ls in a specialised way.  The
> "ls" info file is only a bit more informative than the man page.
> For example, on ye olde Amiga, I could do a task like most of the
> following, with one command line.  Only going as far as using a script
> to add in extras around it.
> Task:  Listing a directory of pictures, with the intention of making an
> HTML index page with thumbnails, where you've one directory with the
> full size pictures, another with identically named thumbnails, and
> you're making a page that shows one (the thumbnails) and links to the
> other (the full sizes).
> I used to do it by using the list files command, but formatting the
> output of the command to fit selected parts of it (filenames, and
> perhaps dates) in-between other pre-supplied text.  Rather like the old
> concatenation of strings in BASIC.
> Running this list command with a directory name, once, would make a
> webpage for the entire collection of files.  Going as far as making a
> script with a few more commands just tidied up the thing (headings,
> footers, etc.).
> Pseudo code example:
> list inputfilepath "<a href='/images/" + outputfilename + "' title=' + outputfiledate +'><img src='/thumbnails/" + outputfilename + "'></a>" >> index.html
> I presume that explains the sort of thing I'm trying to do in an
> understandable manner.

Something like this?

$ ls --full-time | awk 'NR == 1 { next } { printf "<a 
href=\"/images/%s\" title=%s><img src=\"/thumbnails/%s\"></a>\n", $9, 
$6, $9 }' >> index.html

(all one line)

> But I'm damned if I can think of a simple way of doing the same sort of
> thing in Linux.  I've looked at the "ls" documentation, and various
> add-ons for Apache, etc.  I can't see a way of using ls (directly), and
> gallery programs for Apache often make incredibly complex, and malformed
> HTML, or just really bad tables of images, etc.  i.e. They don't work in
> the way I want.
> It's a relatively simple task, but I gave up trying to do it, for want
> of a starting point to how to do that sort of thing.  I imagine I'll
> have to do it by listing the directory, with and output of only
> filenames, one per line, then parsing the output with something else to
> add the extra bits.  Though I don't have a starting point to figure out
> how to do that.

Linux is full of tools for doing things like this. awk just happens to 
be my preference but lots of people would do it in perl.


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