tightening ssh

Claude Jones claude_jones at levitjames.com
Tue Nov 22 21:05:55 UTC 2005

On Tuesday 22 November 2005 4:00 pm, Louis Lagendijk wrote:
> I am running DenyHosts on my (Centos) server. It does seem to cause some
> problems changing security context on /etc/hosts.deny though. I am not
> sure whether it exhibits the same problem on Fedora, but you better
> monitor it for some time....

Could you give a little more detail. What problems regarding what security 
contexts? I started this whole thread, and today I just installed denyhosts 
as a first step in implementing some of the suggestions. It immediately 
picked up some hosts from the logs that tried to break in yesterday, and 
added them to denyhosts. I also happen to run a Centos server, so I'm doubly 
curious about your issues. 

Claude Jones
Bluemont, VA, USA

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