Size optimization of a HTML document

Paul Smith phhs80 at
Tue Nov 29 13:48:42 UTC 2005

On 11/29/05, Andy Pieters <mailings at> wrote:
> > Is there some way of optimize the size of a HTML document?
> There are MANY ways to optimize the size of a html document.
> One thing to note is that if you manually make the html document, that it
> might quickly become a burden.
> If you are following current standards, you already seperated content from
> layout so all your stylesheets and javascripts are already external
> references.
> That said, it is perfectly legal to strip *all* line breaks from the document
> (I DO mean linebreaks and not <br>'s)
> Also, since html collapses whitespaces you can remove all sequences where
> there is more then one whitespace.
> Example (the _ denotes whitespace)
> <p>This_is_a__________sentence</p>
> In this example all the whitespace between a and sentence can be converted to
> a single one, since it will be treated that way by the html parser.
> Keep in mind that if you later have to edit the document manually, things will
> be more difficult for you because the linebreaks are to make the source more
> human readable.
> With kind regards

Thanks, Andy. To edit HTML documents, I use nvu. However, after having
removed some links, the document stays with the same size. I
understand your strategy, but is there some automatic way of doing
that? I mean a program to automatically optimize the size of a HTML


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