Disc Free (df) weirdness (FC2)

Mike McCarty mike.mccarty at sbcglobal.net
Fri Oct 7 03:12:19 UTC 2005

Craig White wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-10-06 at 20:10 -0500, Mike McCarty wrote:
>>Today, I looked at my disc free space, after deleting some files.
>>I found that, after deleting approx. 28M of files, that df reported
>>the disc as being 93% full. Well, the last time I tried looking,
>>it was 85% full, just a couple of days ago. I have created a couple
>>of text files, and read some e-mail. But why was my disc 8% more
>>full than before?
>>I searched and searched for where the space was hiding, and could
>>not find it. I was comparing with the output from the earlier
>>du -s /some/path/* | sort -gr | head, and couldn't find it.
>>I did some sync commands, and tried again, and it just looked
>>like things should be smaller.
>>Eventually, I rebooted. Now du thinks that my disc is 84% full.
>>I don't automatically delete /tmp, and it only has 136M in it,
>>$ df
>>Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
>>/dev/hda5              7633264   6081748   1163768  84% /
>>/dev/hda3                99075     24602     69358  27% /boot
>>none                    124044         0    124044   0% /dev/shm
>>At 93%, it must have been about 7098935 blocks used. How did a
>>reboot free up 1017187 blocks?
>>$ du --version
>>du (coreutils) 5.2.1
>>$ uname -a
>>Linux Presario-1 2.6.10-1.771_FC2 #1 Mon Mar 28 00:50:14 EST 2005 i686 
>>i686 i386 GNU/Linux
> ----
> since basically everything is in /dev/hda5 I would venture to guess that
> you have a lot of space tied up in /var that you aren't considering
> how/when things go there.
> du -sh /var/log
> du -sh /var/cache/yum
> Don't know what you are doing with this system and you may be able to
> make space by doing things like 'yum clean all' or removing the log
> rotations #'d .1 .2 .3 .4 in /var/log which can grow really large if you
> are logging firewall stuff on a cable modem connection. Also, if you
> crank up the log level on some stuff (ldap or samba come immediately to
> mind - like samba log level 10) can really log a ton of stuff in very
> little time.

Umm, I had done du before, and all directories showed to be the same
size as before. I used

$ ls /
bin   dev  home    lib         misc  opt   root  selinux  tftpboot  usr
boot  etc  initrd  lost+found  mnt   proc  sbin  sys      tmp       var

du -s /bin /boot /etc /home /lib /misc /opt /root /sbin /selinux /sys \
   /tmp /usr /var | sort -gr >> du.out

Sizes two days ago:

3629612 /usr
1543788 /home
456448  /lib
383804  /var
256283  /proc
61600   /etc
48528   /tmp
20488   /boot
11884   /sbin
5040    /bin
(don't have less than this saved)

Sizes today

3629612 /usr
1501496 /home
456448  /lib
382648  /var
61600   /etc
11884   /sbin
5040    /bin
1456    /root
572     /dev
136     /tmp
4       /selinux
4       /opt
4       /misc
0       /sys

This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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