Disc Free (df) weirdness (FC2)

Peter Arremann loony at loonybin.org
Fri Oct 7 19:11:54 UTC 2005

On Friday 07 October 2005 15:01, Mike McCarty wrote:
> But what is there which would do that with about 1G of disc
> that I didn't intentionally run? To put it another way, what
> "application" is there that would have such a file both deleted
> and held open, but which would not be stopped when I had closed
> all windows, then opened just one xterm (or I guess gnome-terminal)
> for command-line use?
Why are you so fixed that it has to be an "application" that you started?
Just booting a system will start dozens of processes that can show issues.

In the past, i've seen issues with mysql, nfs, dhcpclient, cupsd and apache 
that all caused the problem you described. Usually it turns out though that  
the user simply forgot to restart a process after removing one of its files 
by hand. 

But I guess we will never find out. By rebooting the system you have taken 
away any chance of finding the root cause of your issue. Next time you get 
into a situation like that, use the lsof command to check and then you will 
see what's going on. 


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