named and /proc

Robert Nichols rnicholsNOSPAM at
Sat Oct 8 17:10:58 UTC 2005

akonstam at wrote:
> Can someone explain this. When you run named using the init.d script
> the following things happen:
> 1, The proc directory appears in /var/named/chroot
> 2. A link that can only be followed by root between /etc/named.conf
> and /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf
> 3. Then when you run df you get a result that does not refer to
> /dev/proc being mounted on /proc
> 4. However if you run df as a normal user you get something like this:
> Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda4             17584528  14897032   1779824  90% /
> /dev/shm                257420         0    257420   0% /dev/shm
> /dev/hda2              1019240    620428    346200  65% /hda2
> df: `/var/named/chroot/proc': Permission denied
> sol:/users           207409664 124978336  71895488  64% /users
> Why suddenly is df concerned about /var/named/chroot/proc?

'df' can see in /etc/mtab that there is something mounted on
/var/named/chroot/proc.  Normally, 'df' will ignore file systems
with a size of 0 bytes (like /proc, or clones thereof), but in this
case the permissions on /var/named/ cause the
statfs("/var/named/chroot/proc", ...) call to fail.

If the (harmless) message bugs you, you can alias df to "df -x proc".
That way, 'df' can see from the mtab entry that /var/named/chroot/proc
should be ignored.

Bob Nichols         Yes, "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address.

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