Cyrus IMAP and xinetd on FC4

Graham Cossey graham.cossey at
Sat Oct 8 22:50:11 UTC 2005

I'm attempting to setup an FC4 box with Cyrus IMAP / Postfix / Fetchmail.

I've got fetchmail setup, that's the easy bit isn't it.

Now, I'm trying to get Cyrus setup without much luck so far. I have
been following a Cyrus IMAP Howto but that assumes inetd and not
xinetd. Does anyone have a howto or similar for setting up the xinetd
for Cyrus?

The howto says to edit /etc/inetd.conf to have:

imap  stream  tcp  nowait  cyrus  /usr/cyrus/bin/imapd   imapd
pop3  stream  tcp  nowait  cyrus  /usr/cyrus/bin/pop3d   pop3d

Can someone kindly translate into xinetd for me?

I do have the O'Reilly postfix book so hopefully that will answer my
postfix questions.



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