Why wont this script run??

Søren Neigaard s.neigaard at mobilethink.dk
Thu Oct 13 10:06:20 UTC 2005

I forgot to say that if i start httpd by hand, it works fine with my 
httpd.conf, only problem is that the script wont start httpd..

Alright... heres the story. I reinstalled apache, and it works. It turns
out that the reason it wont start is my httpd.conf, i never guessed that
because running a "/etc/init.d/httpd" configtest gives me "Syntax OK"..?

I have made a diff on the original httpd.conf and my problematic
version, and attached it to this mail. I hope one of you guys can help
me out here, why wont apache start with this httpd.conf? Is it because
of the www user maybe (even though its a bit oftopic)?

Note: in the diff file, the first is the original, directly followed by
my httpd.conf


Ben Stringer wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 08:43 +0200, Søren Neigaard wrote:
>>Ok i ran a dos2unix on the file, and that fixed it (my path to bash was 
> Great.
>>ok). However now it only kills apache when i do a restart, it does never 
>>print out "Starting httpd" when running a restart, although if i run 
>>start it works???
> Someone else suggested a sleep between the stop and start.
>>Ok i agree on reinstalling apache, but how can i do this, and will it 
>>owerwrite my httpd.conf?
> Depends on the RPM command you use. I think there is a freshen option,
> but if it was my system, I'd backup the files I cared about, then remove
> and re-install apache.
> So I'd suggest:
> cp /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf $HOME/saved_httpd.conf
> rpm -e httpd
> yum install httpd
> Then put back the files you backed up.
> Please don't try any of this if you are not confident with backing up
> any of your apache content or configuration.
> Cheers, Ben

Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
Søren Neigaard
System Architect
Mobilethink A/S
Åboulevarden 23, 4.sal
DK - 8000 Århus C
Telefon: +45 86207800
Direct: +45 86207810
Fax: +45 86207801
Email: s.neigaard at mobilethink.dk
Web: www.mobilethink.dk

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