Installing Gnome 2.12 in Fedora

Ian MacGregor fedora at
Mon Oct 17 23:25:34 UTC 2005

> On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 12:22 -0700, Ian MacGregor wrote:
>>I am worried about mixing repos in doing this. I currently use 
>>Extras/livna and I heard that the nrpms repo replaces core files. Isn't 
>>this dangerous? I'd love to use the new gnome, but I don't want to take 
>>a chance on hosing my system because I mixed repos.
> Yes, it is dangerous.
> Yum should prevent any libraries from being replaced that you need for
> other software, but it can not know about software you might want to
> install in the future.
> For example - gtkhtml3 from gnome 2.12.x is different that from gnome
> 2.10.
> If you have an rpm that depends upon the older gtkhtml3 that is not in
> nrpms, you should get a dependency conflict. However - if you don't
> currently have such an rpm and you want to install one in the future,
> you won't be able to unless nrpms has it built against the new gtkhtml3.
> One possibility is to have both versions of gtkhtml3 installed - you can
> make an rpm for it yourself and call it compat-gtkhtml3 - or you can be
> patient and wait for Fedora Core 5. Or you can be adventurous and run
> Fedora Rawhide instead of Core 4 with nrpms.
Wow, thank you for the information. I will be patient and wait for 
Fedora Core 5.

Ian M.


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