broke browsers

LeRoy M. Dorman ldorman at
Mon Oct 24 03:38:17 UTC 2005

Vikram Goyal wrote:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: LeRoy Dorman <ldorman at>
>Sent: Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 02:34:03PM -0700
>To For users of Fedora Core releases
>Subject: broke browsers
>>I upgraded my RH9 to FC4 (I know, not the simplest choice), but almost
>>everything worked initially.  Mozilla plugins, such as acroread, java, did
>>not.  While futzing around trying to fix this, editing
>>mozilla>edit>preferences, and turning selinux on and off, I found that
>>mozilla would no longer work.  Executing from the command line or the
>>globe-click thingy produces an appropriate amount of disk-churning, but
>>nothing is displayed.
>>I tried "yum remove mozilla.i386" and "yum install mozilla.i386", and
>>turning off selinux, and ./autorelabel and booting (grub) with selinux=0.
>>The mailer in the toolbar "Evolution", works fine
>>(can't see it at the moment since I am booted to WinXP),
>>but firefox (umder FC4) has the same problem (not producing a frame).
>>Additional details are:
>>Kernel: 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 from RedHat Fedora,
>>Mozilla.i386 37:1.7.12-1.5.1
>>My son (Eric Dorman) referred to Linux as a benevolent virus, something
>>which is beneficial, but continually mutating.
>>I have watched tail -f /var/whatevr/messages, and seen nothing while trying
>>to start the browsers. The accounting stuff is turned off.
>>DISPLAY is set to ":0.0".  I am using a NVidia GeForce 4200 I think,
>>but am using the nv driver in "xorg.conf".
>>Does anyone have suggestions as to what to monitor?
>>I have put in some "echo 'I am wherever' lines in the mozilla
>>execution script, but nothing surprising emerged.
>>Wishing I had a text/curses browser,
>>LeRoy Dorman
>>San Diego
>When upgradingi, dir of previous version is also kept in
>Check which version is installed and delete all previous
>leftover mozilla version dirs.
>But check before deleting that the version of mozilla is not
>installed. The dir of the removed version is almost empty but
>sometimes causes this kind of behaviour.
Vikram's suggestion solved the problem.  THere were were several
vestigial directories lying around. They had not caused a problem
under RH9.  Removing them brought Mozilla 1.17.12 back to life
under FC4.

Thanks a bunch.

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