
alessandro basili al.basili at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 11:17:52 UTC 2005

Hi to everyone, unfortunately I haven't find much of experiences on the 
web about installing Fedora Core on an hp zd8156ea. I lately bought this 
laptop for high performances and I'd already had enough of this Windows 
XP which manage the hardware as it was an 8086 processor, regardless of 
its 3 GHz processor, 2GB ram, etc. etc.
I need Fedora because most of the tools I use for my job run on a redhat 
distribution, that's why i thought there wouldn't be much of a problem 
let it running under Fedora.
Is anyone of you who has this laptop and tried to install Fedora on it? 
Unfortunately I cannot spend too much time installing and fixing all the 
problems because I need to work, that's why I'm here, to understand if 
anyone have experienced this before.

Thank you very much for your attention...
see you soon


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