HAL device description for usb scsi mass storage device

kwhiskers kwhiskers at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 20:58:22 UTC 2005

Has anyone had to modify the HAL mass storage device description for HAL,
those .fdi files hiding in /usr/share/hal, I think?

My digital camera, which is automatically detected by Fedora, loads the
modules, and I get /dev/sda1 created, does hot mount automatically.

I am sure this has to do with the property/description files used by HAL.

Anyone have ideas?

The camera uses scsi, subtype sd, I think, block device, etc. (I am not home
now, so can't remember all the details)

Leads, anyone?

There is an article in January 2005 redhat magazine, but it is rather
complicated and not specific to my problem,, but it provides some clues.
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