Looking for an IO accounting tool.

Naoki naoki at valuecommerce.com
Thu Oct 27 05:19:04 UTC 2005

I am aware of the normal benchmark tools (bonnie, iozone etc etc) but
what would like is something akin to :

blah cp -r bigstuff location/

And have 'blah' report the time taken ( like 'time' does ), plus the K
(or blocks) per second for both read and write. So I'm after something
to tally the time spent on 'read()' and 'write()' operations more than I
care for a real benchmark tool.

Presumably such a tool could handle network traffic as that is also just
a read/write call.

Would process accounting or oprofile fit the bill there?

I was thinking about a small 'C' app but if there is already something
out there?

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