LVM question. Missing about 11GB of Space..

Andy Green andy at
Sat Oct 29 18:44:58 UTC 2005

Michael D. Setzer II wrote:

> I wasn't looking at going ot 0, but what would be a more reasonable 
> number than 12GB. Even the 12GB would be fine, if there was a 

The -m parameter is the percentage of the drive space to reserver, so

tune2fs -m 1 /dev/hda2

will be 1/5th of your current size.

> way to make all or most of it nulls, so it would compress greatly The
> rest of the drives 206GB of space was all nulls, and compress very
> well.

The problem is not that this 5% or whatever is full of nonzero data, all
of the blocks on your filesystem that once belonged to deleted files are
not zeroed upon file deletion and contain whatever they had in them when
they made up your files.

There is a trick that might help though: say you see you have something
more than 1GByte free on df -h

dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/temp bs=1024 count=1000000
rm /root/temp

will zero most all of your free blocks, then free them again (as tested
on ext3).

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