FC4 on Dell Inspiron 1200 with NetGear WAG511 Dual-Band Wireless Card

Temlakos temlakos at gmail.com
Sat Oct 29 23:28:40 UTC 2005

An update on my adventure with FC4 on a Dell Inspiron 1200 with Netgear 
WAG511 Dual-Band Type II PCMCIA.

FC4 installed flawlessly--sort of. At least it installed without 
interruption. Currently I cannot get any sound on the Dell's internal 
speakers. (Nor have I tried to plug in any headphones.) Why am I not 
getting sound?

Thus far, that's the only "issue." Right now I am updating 330 packages 
using various repositories. As before, I'm using "smart." These packages 
include the latest kernel and kernel-devel packages--not to mention the 
latest versions of Xorg, OpenOffice, and a host of other applications.

The screensaver must be saved to lock the screen by default. Maybe I'll 
leave it that way, this being a laptop and all. I'm waiting to be able 
to install the xscreensaver-extras so that I can do more than merely 
fade-out the screen.

Once again: Exactly how do I install the MADWiFi drivers and kernel 
module? I specifically bought the NetGear WAG511 because it has an 
Atheros chipset, which MADWiFi is supposed to recognize. But I haven't 
found any decent instructions on how to install MADWiFi drivers and 
kernel modules from RPM packages.

Any assistance, even with research, would be appreciated.


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