mounting DVD/CD, what is supposed to be in fstab ?

Marcel Janssen korgull at
Sun Oct 30 22:25:55 UTC 2005


I'm having an issue with mythTV. Previously in FC3 I could slide in a CD or 
DVD and mythTV would recognize the format and either mount the CD or start 
playing the DVD. Now in FC4 that doesn't work anymore for me.

I've tried some things and when I set the fstype in fstab to udf, mythTV plays 
DVD's automatically again.
Unfortunately it doesn't mount a normal CD that way, so I'm still not back to 
the way it used to be.
I somehow can't put "auto" for fstype in fstab because in that case it will 
mount a DVD using the iso9660 fstype (which is wrong). When that happens, 
mythT will not recognize the disc as a DVD any more and not start playback.

Is this mouting of a DVD using the iso9660 fstype a bug ?

Does anyone have a solution ?


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