FC4 PPC Cannot remount boot

Rizado rizado at rixmail.se
Fri Sep 2 16:59:12 UTC 2005

I have installed Fedora Core 4 PPC on my PowerMac 466. First the fstab 
was a mess. Alot of strange symbols and stuff. I made a new one but if i 
try to use

LABEL=/                 /                       ext3    defaults        1 1

I get "fsck.ext3: Unable to resolv 'LABEL=/' " I tried

e2label /dev/hda3 /
and reboot but it doesn't work. If I use

/dev/hda3    /                ext3         defaults           1 1

It says that root cannot be remounted as readwrite and then it continues 
in Read-Only and refuses to start. I have done everything through rescue 
mode on the install disc.

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