installation help

Claude Jones claude_jones at
Sat Apr 1 16:27:48 UTC 2006

On Sat April 1 2006 11:14, Craig White wrote:
> I'm not sure that was helpful

Everything below is good advice, but, if it were I, I'd still try 
cleaning the cd-rom first. The tip-off in his post was the fact 
that he passed the media-test with one disk a first time, and 
failed when he checked the same disk the second time. Old 
cd-roms are pretty notorious around here, where I have to keep 
up with around 100 machines, some of which are very old. Your 
suggestions are good, but if he's dealing with a flaky drive, 
it's not going to matter. 

> There is a method to check the sum of the images to make sure
> that the images you downloaded are complete - that is called
> sha1sum
> If you can verify that the images are complete via the
> checksum, you need not waste any more time downloading them.
> The next issue is whether the disks were burned properly -
> that is why the media check is part of the installer but I can
> tell you that burning new cd's on new computers at > 12x can
> cause problems with old computers and old cd drives. Suggest
> that you burn them at 4x.
> Specific help might be found here - the FC 5 installation
> guide
> for specific help with downloading...though I don't think you
> need it.
> Craig

Claude Jones
Bluemont, VA, USA

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