Installing FC5 on pre-partitioned /dev/hdb

Paul Howarth paul at
Mon Apr 3 14:03:06 UTC 2006

Gene Heskett wrote:
> And add one more. 
> 4) Since when is it illegal to have a seperate root partition?  DD 
> forced me to make root a directory on /, and I've never run that way in 
> 8 years.  I'll bruteforce it because the partition is there, without a 
> label since DD wouldn't let me use it, IF there is no good reason for 
> changing to a dir on / in the first place.

Presumably you mean a "/root partition" rather than a "root partition" 
(which I'd read as being for "/")?

I guess it's for similar reasons to ensuring that /etc lives on the root 
partition, to ensure that root's environment is present and sane when no 
other partitions are mounted (e.g. in single user mode).


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