Starting shorewall

Paul Howarth paul at
Sat Apr 8 12:49:40 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-04-08 at 13:18 +0100, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> Paul Howarth wrote:
> >> Incidentally, when shorewall is left in its original position
> >> in /etc/rc.d/rc.init it does not start up properly;
> >> it has to wait for my wireless LAN to start up.
> >> In this case I get a clear error message from shorewall.
> > 
> > At what point in the boot process does your wireless LAN come up?
> > Is it a regular initscript at a fixed place, or do you use something
> > like NetworkManager, which only brings it up when you log in?
> Thanks, as ever, for your help.
> I'm not using NM at the moment,
> as it does not seem to work with my Orinoco Gold 11b card
> (in a PCI adaptor).
> As far as I can see, the wireless LAN comes on
> after S45pcmcia starts.
> > If it's a regular initscript, you could just move shorewall to start
> > later in the boot process, after the wireless LAN.
> I did indeed do this, following your advice I think -
> to make quite sure, I renamed the link in rc5.d to S999shorewall .
> I also tried putting it in rc.local (which appears after that as S99local).

Try editing /etc/rc.d/init.d/shorewall and changing the line:
# chkconfig: - 25 90
# chkconfig: - 55 90

Then do:
# chkconfig --del shorewall
# chkconfig --add shorewall
# chkconfig shorewall on

That should fix the position for all runlevels.

(I'm assuming you're running the Extras version of shorewall, which is
the one I use on my firewall).


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