Query for suggestions regarding parental guidance on linux

Vikram Goyal vikigoyal at gmail.com
Wed Apr 12 16:34:15 UTC 2006

On Sat, Apr 08, 2006 at 10:25:23AM -0500, Anthony Messina wrote:
> www.dansguardian.org
> i use it myself and it rocks!  it is also mean t to work with squid.

Hello Anthony,

I have installed dansguardian but have been unable to redirect web
requests to the appropriate ports.

Port redirection is just not happening. At least I have not been able to
do it till now. So I have made a new post to list with test iptable
rules for help.

Could you please look into it and comment if possible.

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Always store beer in a dark place.
		-- Lazarus Long
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