Audio CD when inserted does not play automatically-more info

Aaron Konstam akonstam at
Sun Apr 16 14:06:37 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-04-15 at 19:39 -0500, Aaron Konstam wrote:
> After some work I got sound to work but now I have the following problem
> playing Audio CD-s.
> 1. I went to System->Preferences-> Removable Drives and Media
> 	Under multimedia tab I inserted that Audio CD-s should be played by
> gnome-cd %u
> 2. When I insert a CD I see the CD icon on the screen but gnome-cd is
> not started.
> 3. If I click on the CD icon gnome-cd opens and plays the CD.
> Why is this not happening automatically? How can I fix this?

Some additional info. Maybe its clear but I am talking about FC5.
Further the autoplay feature works as a normal user but not as root. I
know I should not be logged in as root. But it is strange. Any

Aaron Konstam <akonstam at>

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