NM and static-routes

Matt Roth mroth at imminc.com
Wed Apr 19 15:39:27 UTC 2006

 >> khidzir wrote:
 >> Hi,
 >> Greetings. After installing Network Manager, my static routes don't 
 >> anymore. I'm using /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0 to define
 >> those routes. Currently. I have to add it manually every time I 
 >> my laptop. Is there anythings that I missed out here?
 > Aaron Konstam wrote:
 > Other than the file that determines static routes
 > is: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-routes (at least in FC5) I don't
 > know what to say.

Here is what works on my FC3 machines.  Your mileage may vary with FC5.

- Add the static route to "/etc/sysconfig/static-routes"

The syntax is a little funky, so here is one of my entries:

any: net gw netmask dev eth2

If you take a look at "man route" and "/etc/init.d/network", it'll help 
you understand the syntax.  Basically, the init script is just grepping 
through the static-routes file for any line that begins with the word 
"any".  Then it chops off the word "any" (as well as the colon following 
it), prepends the word "add", and passes the modified line as arguments 
to the route command.

I hope that was helpful,

Matthew Roth
InterMedia Marketing Solutions
Software Engineer and Systems Developer

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