yumex update gets post scriplet errors with SELINUX

Michael D. Setzer II mikes at kuentos.guam.net
Wed Apr 26 18:50:49 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

I've noteced that if I do a yumex update with selinux set, the background 
screen will show post scriptlet errors, but saw an ealier message about 
disabling selinux before doing the update shows no errors, but then after re-
enabling it afterwards causes it to have to redo the selinux on the next boot. 

I am using the FC5 in my classroom, so have no problems with doing it, but 
was wondering what the post scriptlet problems would cause. If you don't 
look at the background screen, there is no indication of these errors, so 
some might not notice them. Are these errrors a problem, or could they be 
ignored? Is there any problem with disabling selinux, doing the updates, and 
then re-enabling it?

  Michael D. Setzer II -  Computer Science Instructor      
  Guam Community College  Computer Center                  
  mailto:mikes at kuentos.guam.net                            
  mailto:msetzerii at gmail.com
  Guam - Where America's Day Begins                        

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