Open Letter: How the FOSS Community May Help Disabled Users

Arthur Pemberton pemboa at
Fri Apr 28 22:26:32 UTC 2006

> I think you are missing the point.  If someone wants Linux to
> be able to compete against commercial software then it has to
> compete on the acceptability and political correctness fronts
> as well.  I realize a lot of people don't care one way or the
> other and in the free software world market share doesn't matter
> but at least they should recognize that the issue exists.  That
> is, commercial software and the people promoting it do make
> concessions to satisfy the potential customers.
How about those of us firmly against such pandering?

> > You are free to reply with the terms you prefer, just as Marco is free
> > to use the phrases he wishes.
> And the potential users are free to avoid dealing with people using
> phrases they dislike and the products they handle.
And I just don't see the problem with that.

As a boy I jumped through Windows, as a man I play with Penguins.

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