Building RPMs for multiple distributions on one machine

Paul Howarth paul at
Thu Aug 3 07:36:54 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 17:52 -0700, Mark wrote:
> Hi,
> I have started out with FC1, later FC3 and am now on FC4 and just started downloading FC5. I have not migrated all the older
> production FC1/FC3 machines to FC3 / FC4 etc, because I did not want to risk breaking them. So I have different machines on
> different versions of Fedora
> In between, I have made a bunch of RPMs myself.
> However, with each version of fedora, sometimes even each version of a kernel, it seems like I need a different build environment.
> Instead of using the production machines to build the RPMs on them, am using separate build machines (older machines that have been
> phased out).
> Since more and more versions need to be supported, it seems to be irrational to set up yet another one of those machines for each
> new version that needs to be supported.
> What is the best way of dealing with this without having to have a separate build machine for each environment? I tried to google
> around a bit but have not found much.

Use mock to build packages for your legacy systems.

The Fedora Extras build system builds packages for all supported
distributions on an FC5 host this way.

Tips on using mock with legacy distributions:


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