New in FC5 since a few days - some questions about Gnome

M Daniel R Magarzo 4.mdr.magarzo at
Fri Aug 4 20:48:10 UTC 2006

El jue, 03-08-2006 a las 23:32 +0530, Rahul escribió:
> oldman wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> > 
> > M Daniel R Magarzo wrote:
> >> El mié, 02-08-2006 a las 20:32 +0200, M Daniel R Magarzo escribió:
> >>> Hi all,
> >>>
> >>> 1) There are several partitions formatted, but none of them appears when
> >>> clicking the "Computer" icon, despite they are correctly declared into
> >>> the fstab; though they can be accessed via nautilus navigating through
> >>> the file system, apart from the CLI obviously... They are set to mount
> >>> automatically ("auto") at start up.
> >>>   This is not what I expected, since until FC4 you could access to such
> >>> as volumes easily, in one step by "Computer" clicking.
> >>>   Is there any way to restore that behaviour in Gnome? 
> Yes.
> Rahul

Thank you! That's what I was looking for. Actually, I was already there
some days ago, but unfortunately that issue passed unnoticed for me
(I've spent many many hours with google about it :-( Everything I was
finding were about gnome-mount and multimedia device management, etc...

BTW, the given explanation there (by Red Hat says) about its policy in
this issue it's just _unchallengeable_, reasonable without doubt. -I
suppose some of us tend to think permanently in mono-user systems when
actually that's not the usual majorly. 
Though, IMO, for a mono-user system, the easiest way is the previous

The change:

su -c
'mv /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/99-redhat-storage-policy-\
fixed-drives.fdi  /root/'
su -c '/sbin/service haldaemon restart' 


Sincerely, all these HAL issues and similars are beyond me, but here I
suspect (when having a look to the content of the file
"fixed-drives.fdi"... and really without understand anything, just they
seem to be "negation" policies) that the desired effect is not caused by
placing that file in that new path (/root/) but maybe caused when
removing it from its /usr/share/... path instead, is it?

I did the change, reboot, and now they do appear the volume icons that
have to, good!, although it also becomes visible those that previously
were already there and that were precisely those that would belong to
existing partitions WITHOUT format (consequently never mounted, it's
impossible: who wants that? Umm...

Anyway, thanks for your help. I'll have a look to some HAL policies
howto any evening of these...

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